Community Trail Bridge Program


Project Background

A large part of Nepal's population reprsents rural areas. Since almost half of the rural roads are not operational due to the lack of bridges, the rural people are not able to access essential service facilities and opportunities. It is a bitter reality that rural people cannot increase their access to schools, bazaars, health centres, etc. as service recipients due to not being able to cross the river safely. In view of the suspension bridge strategy of the government of Nepal to make commuting easier by providing reliable transportation facilities to the local people through the construction and operation of the suspension bridge with the active participation of the local people, the government of Nepal aims to support poverty alleviation by increasing access to basic and social services and fi nancial resources of the local community. Sahara Nepal provides technical services including surveys, designs, preparation of DPRs and construction supervision and social support to the User Committees for the construction and maintenance of the SSTB (Short Span Trail Bridge) bridges in different municipalities of Jhapa District.

Major Activities

Conducted a pre-feasibility study of trail bridge sites.

Collected social data/ information, public hearing & formation of user committees.

Conducted detailed survey and prepare design and estimate of the bridges.

Facilitated in according social agreement between Local government/ IDO and user committee.

Construction supervision of trail bridges.

Conducted social audit.

Major Achievements

Completed the construction of 50 trail bridges at Different places of the Jhapa District, 17,867 households have directly benefited from the completed bridge.

It has become easy for the locals to reach the local market, schools and hospitals, and it is easy to reach the village with small means of transport and take services when needed.

Income generation and employment opportunities at the local level (trail bridge sites). The communities are benefitted with easy accessibility to schools, health facilities and basic services.


Coordination with Respective municipalities and IDO of Jhapa District

Project Detail Brochure

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